Aquatic Exercise & Recreation


Looking for a fun, challenging, and low-Impact workout! How about water exercise? Also known as aquatics, water exercise is one of the best non-impact fitness activities around and just about anybody can participate. 

Elite athletes, expecting moms, the average fitness "Joe" looking to cross-train, the elderly or overweight, individuals with arthritis, or those recovering from an injury can all benefit from the wide variety of aquatics classes we have available.

And don't get the idea that just because it doesn't hurt to jump, you can't get a great workout in the pool!

Water exercise can encompass all of the components of fitness: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. And, when done regularly, water exercise can help reduce body fat.

Once you've decided to take the plunge, it's simply a matter of finding the right class for you.
Our classes include a good warm up, a period of cardiovascular and muscle conditioning that gradually increases and then decreases in intensity, and a cool down. The cool down includes plenty of flexibility exercises for the entire body.

The pool is a fun place to feel like a kid again and get a great workout. In fact, instead of feeling out of breath or exhausted, a water class can leave you feeling surprisingly calm, yet energetic. So, even if you're a dip-your-toe-in-the-water type of person, don't be afraid to take the plunge into water fitness!



All swim lanes in the indoor pool are open and available for reservation up to 72 hours in advance. Also note that if unused, we forfeit your lane 15 minutes after your reservation time so we may accommodate other members. You must rinse off prior to entering the pool. Please check-in with the lifeguard on duty.

The CHRISTUS Health & Wellness Center's indoor pool is available for lap swim during our regular business hours for members only. The heated pool is 25 yards long and has five divided lanes. At the times of water aerobic classes, there will be at least one lane available for swimming.

ON OUR MOBILE APP Reserve your favorite swim lane and time (either 30 min or 60 min) by simply clicking “Reservations” at the bottom right hand screen on your mobile app. And choose duration or if you’d like a particular lane, click “Advanced Options.” Member accounts that are on hold do not have access to this function. If you have any issues with this please or are not seeing it, please let our front desk staff know and email a screenshot to

Appropriate Attire:
All HWC members and guests are required to wear appropriate swimwear while using the swimming facilities, including whirlpool. This includes wearing a swimsuit that covers the appropriate areas of the body.

Coverup Requirement: When not in the pool or actively swimming, all members and guests are required to wear a swimsuit coverup.

Modesty and Respect: CHRISTUS HWC promotes a culture of modesty and respect for all individuals. Members and guests are expected to adhere to these principles and ensure their attire is respectful to others.

Enforcement: HWC staff have the authority to enforce the swimsuit coverup policy. Members and guests who fail to comply may be asked to leave the swimming facilities.

Hygiene: It is important to maintain good hygiene while using the swimming facilities at HWC. Members and guests are encouraged to shower before entering the pool and to follow any additional hygiene guidelines provided HWC.


All three swim lanes in the outdoor pool will be open and but not available for reservation as we’re trying to provide some freedom and escape for those looking to take a quick dip. Indoor Lane reservations are still available.

Please be courteous to other members and try to limit your lane time to an hour so we may accommodate other members. You must rinse off prior to entering the pool.

The outdoor pool area is of course available to layout and enjoy some Spring and Summer sunshine!

Weekends ONLY starting in May
Saturdays 12 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Sunday 2 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Weekday hours starting June 1st
1 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Family fitness swim is during Family Fitness hours only - choice of both pools *

Closed Monday - Friday Starting September 1st

Weekend hours  only in September


If you have questions about Lap Swimming or any Swim program, please call: Danise McClung, Aquatic Supervisor (409) 236-6953